STEM Conference


The demand for skilled workers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is closely linked to global competitiveness. In recent years with the help of technology, social media, and changing viewpoints, we have witnessed many shifts in education. Aware of the commonalities and changing perspectives in the world, Concept Schools is proud to organize the Annual STEM Conference 2015 to establish a bridge for students in STEM related areas to promote student success. From urban to rural schools across the nation, STEM education today provides solutions for tomorrow.

The National STEM Education Conference 2015 is taking place on April 16 & 17 in Cleveland, OH, at the Cleveland Convention Center.

Leaders and visionaries in business, education, and government from around the United States will convene to advance the agenda for better STEM education, policy, and workforce development. This national conference will focus on topics that create an impact on K-12 STEM education.

The framework for determining these outcomes will be built from the following conference tracks:

·             Adding Value to STEM Education through Public/Private Partnerships

•             Bridging the Gender and Ethnic Divide in STEM Fields

•             Enlarging the STEM Pipeline

•             Measuring Success in STEM Education

•             When to Use Technology in the Classroom


Join us at this critical conference and contribute to the outcomes that will advance your organization in its STEM related objectives.